A collection of moments from 2016
2016 was my Fear Year, but it was also a year filled with creative moments big and small. I'd like to highlight a few that I especially want to remember. Both happiness and bravery happens there, in the small moments.
These are some moments I look back on with a smile.
Those first few days of my Fear Year, when everything was new and weird and unknown, and I was nervously exited.
That day when I tried to draw and paint even though I was scared, and made a wild owl I actually loved.
That time when I painted with acrylics for the first time and thought that hey, this was kinda fun.
That time I made an experiment book when I realized I hesitated to experiment, because I didn't want to waste paper.
Those days when I fought to keep writing when it was hard, and I won over the feeling that I was a terrible writer.
That time when I wrote on a small wooden pier, listening to the birds and watching the sun sink down beneath the horizon.
That hour when I was on a long bus ride, and I drew a happy creature while listening to Liz Gilbert's podcast Magic Lessons.
That time I painted on a canvas for the first time, even though I was scared of messing up, and I embraced my imperfect messiness.
Those days when I was home with a cold and rediscovered my love for photography and stillness in my new creative room.
That moment when I wrote the last words of the second draft of my novel, and I was relieved, happy and exhausted.
The day I sent out the first orders from my art shop, and I was nervous, proud and really happy.
All the hours I spent reading.
All the times Pysen was my creative companion.
Those are a few of the moments I'll remember of 2016. A big, warm thank you for sharing this year with me!
See you in 2017!