Watch a video or two
I make videos about making creative projects and living a creative life. Here you find inspiration, behind the scenes vlogs and some tips for your creative life.

Plan Your Creative Work For Spring
It's that time again! Spring is starting, and it's time for another seasonal planning vlog. In this video, I take you through reflections on how winter went, how our energy and creativity looks in spring, choosing focus areas and planning your spring. I also share how winter went for me, and what I have planned in my creative life this spring.

Cultivate a Life of Writing
This year, I set a goal to cultivate a life of writing. After a year with no fiction writing, I’m ready to make writing a priority in my life again. In this video I talk about content writing, freelance writing and book writing. I share six things I’m doing this year to cultivate a life of writing, that you can do too if you want to be a writer, and live a writing life.

How I Plan: A Step by Step Walk-Through of My Planning Process for Creative Work
A good plan makes everything easier. I'm an avid planner, have gone through many different planning systems, and created a planning process that works really well. In this video, I walk your through my entirely planning process that I use in my creative business and my creative work. I talk about yearly planning, seasonal planning, content plans, Trello, monthly planning, and weekly planning.

Creative Vision: Lost, Changed & Found
As humans and as creatives, we are constantly changing. Our identities shift, our interests change, and with it, the vision for our creative lives are in constant development. Lots of us are thinking about the year ahead right now, and what we want in our creative work.
In this video, I tell you about losing my vision, reflecting on the past year, and my intentions for the year ahead. And I talk about what it’s like to form or change your creative vision, for projects and for your creative life.

The Importance Of Rest In The Creative Process
We live in a world that would prefer us to always keep going, going, going. But regardless of what hustle culture says, we need rest as humans and as creatives. Rest is a natural part of the creative process, and to be happy, fulfilled and good creatives, we need to allow it to be.
In this video I take you with me on a snowy walk to a place I like to go when I'm feeling stressed or tense, to find rest and calm. I talk about what rest looks like in this season of my creative life, and how we can embrace creative rest.

Plan Your Creative Focus For Winter
Winter is just around the corner here in Sweden, and it's time for another seasonal planning vlog! I love planning my creative work in tune with the seasons, and in this video I take you along as I reflect on my autumn, and choose my creative focus for winter. I also share some planning tips and talk about how our energy and creativity tend to look during winter.

I’ve Been Working On Something New
I have something to tell you. For a while now, I’ve been working on something new, and it’s time for me to tell you about it. So many different parts of my creative work and my view on living a creative life are coming together in this. It’s a space for creating in tune with the seasons, for finding and holding onto the joy of your creative process, for creative community, and gentle accountability in your everyday creative life.
Welcome to Companions In Creativity!

Writing Habits, NaNoWriMo & Starting Up My Book Project Again
It’s time! After over a year away from my book project, it’s time to start a new draft of my novel. In this cosy vlog, I take you along my first day of working on it again, talk about past and current writing habits, the pros and cons of NaNoWriMo and give you tips about starting up an old project again.
Writing a book is such big, fun work. It’s a long process and it’s so important to have good writing habits at hand. I’m very excited about settling into writing again, and I hope you enjoy coming along this gloomy, cosy autumn day.