Welcome to the blog

This is my blog archive. My new writing lives on Substack.

Dear Fear. You're not in charge anymore.
Elin Lööw Elin Lööw

Dear Fear. You're not in charge anymore.

This is a letter to my fear, telling it that the tables have turned. It's a letter about how I've taken back the control, how I grew stronger than my fears. I'm the one making the calls and I will never go back.

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Dear Stress. I don't want you in my life.
Elin Lööw Elin Lööw

Dear Stress. I don't want you in my life.

This is a letter to my stress, telling it that I'm done feeding it. It's a letter about our love-hate relationship, my addiction to it and my fear that I can't live without it. This is me telling stress that enough is enough.


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Dear Dream. I pledge you my pen.
Elin Lööw Elin Lööw

Dear Dream. I pledge you my pen.

This is a letter to my dream, that unreasonable, irrational dream. Telling it that I hear and I am listening. It's a letter of promise to fight for it, no matter what the world says. 

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Dear Inner Child. Thank you.
Elin Lööw Elin Lööw

Dear Inner Child. Thank you.

This is a letter to my inner child, thanking her for sticking around when I thought I needed to get rid of her. When I locked her in a dark room deep inside of me, and threw away the key. This is a thank you, and a promise.

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Dear Confidence. Where the hell are you?
Elin Lööw Elin Lööw

Dear Confidence. Where the hell are you?

This is a letter to my confidence, begging it to come back. When it has bailed, left me with doubts and fears, alone to finish a project I no long know how to finish. It's a letter written in anger and fear, revisiting the times when confidence was completely gone from my life.

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Dear Heart. I want to be vulnerable again.
Elin Lööw Elin Lööw

Dear Heart. I want to be vulnerable again.

This is a letter to my heart, telling the story of how it got buried deep inside me, behind a hardened rib cage and thick skin. This is me reversing the trip, to hear the beatings of my heart, to follow it's longings.

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Dear Patience. Please forgive me.
Elin Lööw Elin Lööw

Dear Patience. Please forgive me.

This is a letter to my patience, asking for forgiveness for how neglected it's been, how I've chosen Doubt and Stress over it. This is me wanting a change and choosing patience. 

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Dear Doubt. I'm breaking up with you.
Elin Lööw Elin Lööw

Dear Doubt. I'm breaking up with you.

This is a letter to my self-doubt, looking back on our relationship and what has lead me to this decision: I'm breaking up with Doubt. I have met someone else - Creativity.

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